So here is some stuff I have slated:
LOST ARTS: heavy lockouts
HOBBIED: mushroom growing
LCS: a book I haven't read yet
So me and the old lady have been watching this show called The Dead Lands.
I don't regularly recommend streamable media but goddamn this show is pretty cool.

"Negative" review you say? No says I.
Gonna have to that one out. How's the growing going? Would like to cultivate mushrooms in the future.
I'm pretty sure this is the tv show based off of the James Rolleston film a few years ago, depicting native maoris. Being pure euro living in NZ makes it hard to understand some aspects of the culture and the customs, but holy fuck is maori history brutal as fuck. Don't like the neighbouring iwi? Kill him and then eat him for spiritual gain. Peak goon, sad that they've only been here for ~700 years. Would've loved to see more evidence of ancient battles where goobers get a ponamu patu to the dome and then their flesh eaten for mana.