Well fuck boys the page is unpublished. Apparently I can't even share links to my website because it has something to do about "bullying". It's really better this way I think. I'll always be on here if you wanna talk and we have a big ass forum with way more relaxed "community standards".

Don't let a ban desuade you, throw another page up. Rᴜ̂ɴᴇ Gᴏøɴ 2: Barbell Boogaloo
Facebook is enemy territory with controlled speech. Letting noodle armed bugmen control your creative process is not the GOON way.
Gentlemen, lift heavy and delete Facebook.
You’ll be glad you did.
Was the birthday profile pic the straw that broke the camel's back? I think the reach on hookbook brings way too much attention anyway.
This is for the best. You've gone through the trouble to create your own platform. I hope to see more engagement from the community here and for it to grow and become stronger. Fuck facebook. Fuck twitter. Fuck instagram. Abandon all social media. It is poison.
I was given a 30 ban for calling a Fat Slob, a Fat Slob. Bullying and Harassment apparently. It's an adult site isn't it? For fuck sakes, the world is soft.